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Author: FishBulb   😊 😞
Number: of 555 
Subject: WMT vs AMZN, groceries and e-commerce
Date: 06/07/2024 10:53 AM
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Back around 10 years ago on the Berkshire board, when WMT was one of Brk’s holdings, there were some interesting discussions about AMZN getting into the grocery business with Whole Foods while WMT was getting into the e-commerce business with its purchase of Jet.com.

My personal memory was that the consensus was WMT was doomed to fail whereas AMZN would revolutionize grocery delivery.

Industry wide, I don’t know how each company is faring, but on a personal level I can say that Walmart won me over, largely thanks to the pandemic. I started regularly using the Walmart+ membership grocery delivery service during the lockdown and haven’t looked back.
Jet.com didn’t survive, but the Walmart.com site works fine for shopping. Nearly any non grocery item I previously might bought from Amazon is now available in the Walmart marketplace options.
Walmart’s loyalty card rewards through Capital One are equivalent to Amazon’s rewards card through Chase. (5% discount.)
The shipping from Walmart is not as good, but close enough.

The local Walmart has drone delivery, but I haven’t tried it.

If not for online grocery shopping, I likely would not shop in store in Walmart again. The self checkout process was so bad that I’d rather drive an extra mile and pay higher prices at Target.

Mostly now I use Amazon for Prime video shows. Otherwise I their reviews of products which I then go on to purchase through Walmart.com.

Anyone else have opinions on Walmart vs Amazon, or shopping in general?
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