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Personal Finance Topics / Retirement Investing
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Author: rayvt 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 598 
Subject: On SS
Date: 01/08/2025 2:29 PM
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Being a glutton for punishment, and having just downloaded my history from the SSA, I ran some numbers.

The total SS tax paid from 1963 to the last year I had a paycheck was:
Paid by you: $103,948
Paid by your employers: $104,740
Total: $208,688

If the annual tax paid had been invested in the S&P 500, the total final value would be $1,586,293.

If I then took out $2,500 a month, that would last 52 years, assuming no further net growth. For example if the growth was equal to inflation.

If it earned net 1% per annum, it would last 75 years.

If it earned net 2% per annum, it would last forever. "total is $2,120,620.62 after 100 years"
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