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Author: UpNorthJoe   😊 😞
Number: of 41813 
Subject: Re: WHERE did Dem voters go?
Date: 11/25/2024 11:09 AM
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"Where did Dem voters go?"

A combination of they were independents who in 2020 voted for Biden, but voted trump in 2024, and Dems stayed home.

I'm reading Lucky Loser, a book about Trump, and I had always wondered how can a "genius"
business man BK casino's. Trump was a piss-poor businessman, acted rashly, almost always went with his "gut" rather than crunching numbers and analyzing what the numbers would have told him that the market could support. The big banks were very complicit, they loaned him huge amounts of money with little or even nothing down. The big Media were complicit, they printed Trump's boasts as truths.

Trump accumulated sooooooooo much debt on purchases of land, hotels, and airline that even if things went perfect the properties wouldn't throw off enough cash flow to make the tax and interest payments ( tax on properties that the municipality did not give him sweetheart tax abatements on ). Real "genius". And he was nothing like his Dad Fred, who had a very healthy respect against carrying too much debt. And in those days, the vast majority of wealth that Trump claimed as his was actually Fred Trump's assets. But Don just loudly boasted that he had all of that wealth, and the banks and Media bought into those lies.

And now this "genius" is going to run the Country like he ran his business, which is what all of his supporters are clamoring for. So BK is in our near term future ?? He sure BK's a lotta lotta bidness,lol.

Highly recommend the book !

Buckle up.
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