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Stocks A to Z / Stocks B / Berkshire Hathaway (BRK.A)
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Author: Sals-Dad   😊 😞
Number: of 12538 
Subject: Re: BRK's value post Buffett
Date: 01/25/2025 10:31 AM
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A few years ago, there was a scuffle at a smaller sub - Acme Brick, maybe? Or the boot-maker? BH Corporate decreed that the sub must re-configure its pension program to limit the company's liabilities, and local management felt this would mean reneging on promises... Both sides were right, of course, and it got ugly.

At the time, I was bewildered that of all the companies in the world, Berkshire didn't have a pension management division, that the subsidiaries -could- buy into. Maybe even open it to outside business?

Then there was Haven, the health care initiative...

What is done at the corporate level now? Or is the realization of synergies decentralized? I hope that enterprising division managers have figured out how to market to each other - Shaw carpets and Manville insulation in the mobile homes... 1-800-call-ajit , for the railroad and the picture framer to get a 20% discount on insurance... ;)

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