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Author: commonone 🐝🐝 HONORARY
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Number: of 41601 
Subject: Re: Judge Merchan sentences Trump
Date: 09/06/2024 9:30 PM
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ptheland: Wouldn't Trump really want to know the decision if it were in favor of immunity or at least a retrial without the inadmissible evidence? Either one would remove the guilty verdict and, at worst, cause a retrial. If he's so convinced of his immunity, get the judge to move it along and announce his decision.

With his multiple indictments in multiple jurisdictions, it's a little difficult to keep all the charges straight but don't most or all of the charges in his business fraud case pre- date his presidency? How would they be subject to presidential immunity? And they certainly all pertain to the Trump Organization; again, no presidential immunity.

In addition, he has already been found guilty and he is in the sentencing phase of the trial. Again, nothing here relates to presidential immunity.

Justice Merchan didn't allude to presidential immunity claims but simple referenced the “unique time frame this matter currently finds itself in.”

Whether this helps or hurts DonOld is debatable but it is certainly preferential treatment.
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