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Author: ges 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 41813 
Subject: Deportation fever dream?
Date: 02/26/2025 9:22 AM
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Seems very difficult to pull off and the cost would almost certainly be more than projected.

Trump Allies Push Plan for ‘Processing Camps’ and Private Deportation Force

What Happened: A group led by ex-Blackwater CEO Erik Prince proposed a $25 billion plan to deport 12 million people by 2026. The plan includes military-run “processing camps,” a fleet of 100 planes, and a private force empowered to make arrests.

Why It Matters: This would privatize immigration enforcement, raising human rights concerns and the risk of a private army that Trump may use to later target Americans. Given Prince’s extremist operations and Trump’s past pardons of Blackwater contractors, it sets a dangerous precedent.

Source: Politico
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