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Author: mechinv   😊 😞
Number: of 41813 
Subject: Re: Not tired of winning yet
Date: 12/15/2024 10:44 AM
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Does anyone recall Stephanopolous saying how disappointed and to put it mildly, horrified his best friend Bill Clinton performed acts of sodomy in the Oval Office?

Here are the 2 key differences you need to know, LM.

1. People who voted for Clinton (twice!) did not know about his affair with Monica Lewinsky. He was elected President in 1992 and 1996 whereas the Lewinsky story came out in 1998. So we can't say how immoral Cinton voters were. Whereas MAGA voters knew that Trump bragged about sexual assault ("grab 'em by the p..") and knew that he was an adjudicated rapist, and they still voted for him anyway. Many of us who voted against Trump have concluded that MAGA voters have no morals. You all knowingly voted for an adjudicated rapist and a convicted felon.

2. The sex between Clinton and Lewinsky was consensual. Whereas Trump essentially raped Carroll against her consent.

It's not about policy or party. I've voted both Republican and Democrat in my life, and my success in life was never due to whoever was President. I worry about the kinds of values that people now have. Will laws about white collar crimes like the ones Trump committed eventually go away? Will young men in high school and college go around telling women "your body, my choice"?
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