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Personal Finance Topics / Macroeconomic Trends and Risks
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Author: Mark 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 555 
Subject: Re: Another dysfunctional corporate family
Date: 12/31/2024 1:40 PM
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Probably another Asian nail salon or three. Lord knows we don’t have enough of those yet.

LOL. That would require investment by the strip mall owner. The nail salon (or barber, or dog groomer, etc) needs only 10% of that space, so the owner would have to subdivide the space before leasing segments of it. And they won't make that investment unless they get some solid tenants, and nail salons aren't solid, they go out of business regularly, or just move to a less expensive location as soon as they find one.

There's a well run strip mall nearby that had a large-ish restaurant sports bar kind of place (maybe 150-180 indoor seats, about 100 outdoor) in it and they closed down abruptly about a year ago. It was amazing, I'd pass by sometimes at 3am and they still had people hanging out with friends at the outdoor tables. Literally the night before they abruptly closed, I saw people there just after 1am. The next few days, every time I walked by (it's on one of my favorite walking routes), there were people that arrived, parker their car, walked up to the door, and were disappointed by the "closed" sign. The place is still not leased. When previous restaurants failed at that location, the location was re-leased usually within 3 or 4 months, but not this time.
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