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Trump's called lots of people names, but somehow nobody else is being shot at.I find this statement quite revealing about the minds of those on the far right, and it’s not flattering. Although the statement was made by Dope1, it echoes similar statements made by Elon Musk and JD Vance.
Basically, the first question that comes to their mind is if a crazy individual is trying to kill one of my guys, why aren’t other crazy individuals trying to kill their guys? Huh?
The question that comes to my mind is why do we allow crazy people to own guns in the first place?
Before I go any further, I want to make one thing crystal clear. I do not condone any violence and, despite the fact that I despise Donald Trump, I am grateful he was not seriously injured or killed in these incidents. My preference for change is using ballots, not bullets.
But I am tired of the false equivalences of the far right and the far right blaming others for their own issues.
What was the very first thing Trump did after being inaugurated president? He made it easier for individuals with mental health issues to own guns.
Prior to this latest incident, Trump called Harris a fascist multiple times at his rallies. He accused Biden of running a Gestapo administration, called his political opponents “vermin”, and stated that immigrants are “poisoning the blood” of the United States.
If any of this rhetoric sounds similar to another far right group, you’re not mistaken. Below is a link that includes a picture (I implore you to check out the picture) of an alleged Nazi sympathizer who stormed the Capital and was invited to Trump’s Bedminster club. Twice! when the far rights screams that this all someone else’s fault and that they are innocent as lambs, I call BULL.
When the far right says the rhetoric needs to be turned down, I totally agree. All they have to do is to look in a mirror.