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Personal Finance Topics / Macroeconomic Trends and Risks
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Author: sutton 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 555 
Subject: Mildly interesting podcast
Date: 09/05/2024 1:33 PM
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This week "Stay Tuned" hosted by former US Attorney Preet Bharara.

I listen most weeks, and while I may not find myself nodding in agreement the whole time, at least he usually has educated guests who have some objective knowledge, experience, credentials wrt their subject matter (not to mention a book to sell :) .)

This week was a columnist for the FT, Ruchir Sharma, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ruchir_Sharma

While much of his talk was broad assertions, there were a few nuggets, e.g. zombie companies. He avers that the accepted definition of a zombie is three consecutive years of profit unable to meet debt service. (I don't know if that's true, but it sounds reasonable)

He maintains that in 1980 (I think) the zombies were 2% of US publicly traded corporations, and today it's 20%. If so, I think that qualifies as an eyebrow-raising Macro Economic Trend

Many-not-nearly-all of his broad assertions I bought into as well, such as the perception of unfairness wrt the contemporary US treatment of banks and TBTF versus the little guy. In particular, he asserted that it's not so much the facts as the appearance of reality that has poisoned the waters - and this is something that one of our parties is much more attuned to exploiting than is the other*


https://cafe.com/stay-tuned/ruchir-sharma-capitali... (free. Maybe 40 min if you skip the ads)

-- sutton
(*whose WTF reading since the 2016 election has made him much more appreciative of the enormous and staying political power of resentment. Go back way into the mists - even as far as the first regular uses of the ballot box - and over and over and over again it seems that a whole bunch of elections have turned on nothing else)
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