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Author: weatherman   😊 😞
Number: of 41813 
Subject: Re: Trump: "Shut up" About Egg Prices
Date: 03/09/2025 4:22 PM
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trump is not directing MAGA to 'shut up', because since the inauguration they have stopped voluntarily talking about the price of eggs, cars, houses, and anything else they whined about. its always on the the next rightwing distraction.

but its not just rightwing media.
take for example this typical story on nbc that was rebroadcast nationally.


it's not clear whether these people are MAGA or not, but not once did they blame nor mention trump specifically.
one stated the tired tariff flopping\negotiating defense.
not once did media ASK them if the gop was to blame. pre-election, this type of piece would have aired hundreds of times across many outlets, and every other sentence would be blaming biden. and sadly, many dems would think this would be the real reason they voted trump.

to be clear, this example is unrelated to tariff flopping. expect the pattern to be repeated for any trump failure backed by facts.
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