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Author: AlphaWolf 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 42586 
Subject: Re: Mark Penn and the moderators, today
Date: 09/15/2024 8:08 AM
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Interviewed on Fox News on Thursday, Penn said, “They called Trump out on every falsehood but let Harris get away with one lie after another (and) when the refs put their fingers on the scale, you gotta throw out the score of the game.”

Oh dear! They called Trump out on every falsehood? Penn must be delusional. There were dozens of Trump lies that were not called out. ABC only called out a few of the most egregious lies, like murdering babies.

Hell, even the country of Germany is calling out Trump’s lies.

Oh, and by the way, my 11 year old grandson correctly predicted every question that was asked during the debate. It didn’t take a rocket scientist to figure that out.

Trump looked like he was fighting to stay awake (no sleep isn’t helping the dementia) and was sweating like a pig (morbid obesity will do that).

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