No. of Recommendations: 1
>>diots who propose limits on automatic weapons and registration loopholes for gun purchases, limits that would have done nothing to prevents this shooting. Automatic weapons are already heavily regulated and were not used in this or any of the school shootings.<<
This is just saying - leave our existing deficiencies and loopholes that don't work alone. - Lapsody-----------------
No, I am saying it is lazy to blame it on lack of regulation.
My observation is the gun grabbers are simply for anything that moves the ball in the direction of ever increasing restrictions and whether it does anything to address the school shooting problem is not really a consideration.
If you want to promote something that directly affects the school shooting problem, then check out Rachel's Challenge, an organization started by the parents of Rachel Scott. Rachel was the very first shooting victim at Columbine.
https://rachelschallenge.orgRachel's Challenge | Bullying & School Violence Prevention Program
Rachel's Challenge is a non-political, non-religious, non-profit organization dedicated to creating positive school cultures and ending school violence in all its forms.We are the most effective, proven, long-standing program in the world for preventing gun violence, self-harm and suicide, ending bullying ...