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Author: Brickeye 🐝🐝🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 12641 
Subject: How Systemic is Grifto?
Date: 01/26/2025 3:16 AM
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With the president of the United States issuing his own coins and widely deregulating what until this point has been considered a questionable industry, it's time to consider how systemic a crypto crash would be. On the surface one would think the government would not be on the hook so much because it is not a currency issued by the government, however, it's pretty clear that this administration is in pretty deep with the high tech broligarchy and that will make it difficult for him to abandon the crew that helped get him there. We are also starting to see a marriage of the crypto grift with so called "legitimate" traditional banking. You can now borrow against your grifto coins a lot of ETF's and retirement funds are going deeper into it. So how systemic is Grifto? World wide financial crisis systemic or Silicon Valley bank manageable systemic?
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