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Stocks A to Z / Stocks A / Apple (AAPL)
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Author: palmersq   😊 😞
Number: of 54 
Subject: Re: Bite size trim of AAPL
Date: 10/01/2024 3:11 AM
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I have not sold a single share of Apple since I bought in May 2016 shortly before Buffett did (when people still believed Buffett would never touch any "technology" stock). It had been a 10-bagger for my earliest purchase at $23 (split-adj), and I have added more along the way as well as reinvested all the dividends (via scrip).

My main focus is on Apple's rock-solid ecosystem with a culture that respects and promotes user data privacy. Look - how do you expect Apple can evolve into new market like hearing aid with low risk, little new investment, little lead time, and ready distribution channel. Vision Pro was not a success, but it opens a new window. The AR/VR sector will either never take off the ground, or Apple will at least evolve into one of the bigger players. Life goes on if it flops (like the Apple car), but Apple can still enjoy a new bags of patents for further development in the future. The setback hardly make a dent, and it's not all wasted.

I do understand people want to trim their positions due to position size or price run-up. For me, I throw away the key and just monitor what counts - whether the ecosystem continue to strengthen and improve. I do not have any crystal ball. The jury is still out there to make its verdict in 3-5 years.
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