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Author: AlphaWolf 🐝🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 41813 
Subject: Re: US/Ukraine meeting next week to talk peace
Date: 03/08/2025 12:58 PM
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Seek a settlement. Rebuild the Ukrainians faster than Russia can rebuild. Then see about Round 2 later.

I’m not Ukrainian although one set of my great grandparents came from Ulm, Ukraine (controlled by Russia at the time).*

If I was Ukrainian, this is what I’d settle for. Everyone goes back to the pre-war borders and Ukraine joins NATO. Fuck you, Russia.

However, Trump is just repeating the Russian demands because, well, he’s a fucking ignorant moron.

*Funny story. When I was a kid in the early 60s, we always vacationed at the St. Lawrence (dad loved fishing). My grandfather who was born in Ulm, lived with us and we always took a trip to Canada every vacation. Mind you, this was at the peak of the Cold War. As we approached the Canadian border, my father would turn to his father-in-law (my Ulm grandfather) and say firmly, “Now Willie, just say you were born in New York City.” We’d get to the border, the border patrol would ask everyone where they were born (in the U.S, of course) and then he’d ask my grandfather who would proudly (and a bit stubbornly) answer “Russia.” OK, pull over, please. My dad was furious (every year). I absolutely LOVED it (every year!).
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