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Author: albaby1 🐝🐝 HONORARY
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Number: of 41628 
Subject: Re: Mail-In Ballot Trickery in Pennsylvania
Date: 09/19/2024 3:15 PM
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If you can, please find the reference. I think in the low population states, Repubs may vote more by mail, but I've usually read more Dems than Repubs vote by mail.

It's been the case in some states, at least. For example, in Texas, more Republicans voted absentee than Democrats prior to 2016, but that was reversed in 2020:


Note that in Texas (and some other states), mail-in absentee voting is limited to certain categories of people. Unlike in-person absentee voting (ie. early voting), Texas doesn't have "no excuse" absentee voting - so the mail-in absentee voting is going to skew very old in 'normal' election cycles (ie. not Covid). In areas where older=more conservative, that can lead to more GOP use of mail-in.
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