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Author: commonone 🐝🐝 HONORARY
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Number: of 41813 
Subject: NC Journalist Reports on the Region
Date: 10/05/2024 2:18 PM
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Short version: North Carolinians need help. Trump is feeding them lies.

Long version: longtime journalist in North Carolina, Billy Ball, tells readers what’s actually happening there.

Federal aid has been coming in since Saturday, a day after the storm.

Biden’s head of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, Deanne Criswell, has been on the ground since Monday.

More than 57,000 people in North Carolina have already been able to request federal aid.

On Tuesday, the National Guard airlifted hundreds of thousands of pounds of food and supplies to North Carolina.

Crews have been working around the clock to clear damaged roads and interstates for rescue workers and utility companies.

Of course, Helene’s victims need more. They will for years. But all these efforts aren’t nothing. And they don’t square with Trump and his MAGA allies’ attempts to convince people that Helene is Biden’s Hurricane Katrina, especially because their motivations appear to be cruel politics, not humanitarian concerns.

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