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Author: g0177325   😊 😞
Number: of 41813 
Subject: Huge lithium deposits found in Arkanasa
Date: 10/22/2024 3:09 PM
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We might be able to ditch China and other sources of imported lithium. Provide that mining it won't be an environmental disaster. Surprisingly, we're only importing 25% of our lithium now!


Massive new lithium find in Arkansas may be enough to meet global demand

New research suggests that Arkansas may be home to upwards of 19 million tons of lithium reserves, which would give the United States an opportunity to lead in the electric vehicle industry.

The United States Geological Survey unveiled the findings on Monday, saying that if the suspected lithium can be recovered, it would meet the projected 2030 global demand for rechargeable EV batteries nine times over.

Researchers discovered the massive potential lithium reserve beneath southwestern Arkansas in the Smackover Formation. The study estimates that the formation (which extends across Arkansas, Louisiana, Texas, Alabama, Mississippi, and Florida) could have between five and 19 million tons of lithium reserves.

“Our research was able to estimate total lithium present in the southwestern portion of the Smackover in Arkansas for the first time,” Katherine Knierim, a hydrologist and principal researcher of the study, said in a statement. “We estimate there is enough dissolved lithium present in that region to replace U.S. imports of lithium and more.”

The U.S. presently imports more than 25% of its lithium used in car batteries, cellphones, and other popular electronics.

If just the low-end estimate of 5 million tons of lithium is recoverable, the USGS has said, it would equal to more than nine times the projection for worldwide lithium demand in just six years.
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