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Author: sutton 🐝🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 12790 
Subject: Re: Investing with an eye on rising authoritarianism
Date: 07/16/2024 4:08 PM
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A little late to this party, but to expand on mungo's "Investors, and even entire economies, can often do surprisingly well under even the most spectacularly incompetent and/or authoritarian governments, at least for very much longer than you might expect. It's kind of a depressing observation, but historically true".: I'd like to add mimic the alignments.

For as long as we have functioning public markets, I suspect that if our economic interests approximately parallel those of Bezos Zuckerberg Musk et al, we'll continue to do fine. Moguls like the market to rise; if we're in the market, our fortunes will rise as well, for awhile.

Add to this the historical observation that one of the current leading competitors to be Chief Magistrate during his prior administration was very invested in the market indices as a surrogate scorecard, and what looks to be a commitment to whatever (ultimately unwise) short-term sugar rush is necessary for the indexes to continue to set new records: I think the readers of this board will likely do quite well for several more years at least.

That's not to minimize the horrid damage soon to be done to our ecosphere, currency, reputation and security. It's just to say that, on Jim's Thanksgiving Turkey chart ( https://i.insider.com/5474a6536bb3f7b2528b4567?wid... ) of a few days ago, I think we're more likely now on day 400 than day 900.

-- sutton
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