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Author: Goofyhoofy 🐝🐝 HONORARY
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Number: of 555 
Subject: Re: This Week In Computing
Date: 07/28/2024 10:12 AM
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A recent ruling says that Delta is responsible for all the costs travelers incurred because of the disruption of their scheduling software. It took them days longer than other carriers because not only were their reservations systems down, their crew scheduling and craft positioning software was also down and took longer to come back than others.

We have friends who were on the way to Denver (who never made it.) Meanwhile they made it part way, couldn’t get home, luggage went to two different cities, had to stay a couple days at their connection city, buy clothes and toiletries, etc. If Delta has to reimburse *all* of that, it’s going to be billions, and I suspect Delta (and significantly affected others) will come back at CrowdStrike for some sort of compensation.

I don’t know more about this than what I have read, and perhaps there is a “hold harmless” clause in their agreements, but it does seem that they negligently pushed out this update and that a lawsuit might have merit.

Anyway, costly all around. Somebody gonna pay.
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