No. of Recommendations: 1
Safety data: home from the 10-10 event, I hit a deer at 1:00AM. I'd been driving for 17 hours straight. Truck slammed on the brakes all by itself - I thought that it was phantom braking - then at about 5MPH we hit Bambi. Bambi jumped back up, looked around and ran back into the forest. (Not a good look for the family if you splatter a young deer across your windshield.) Even if you do get into an accident, nobody builds cars as crashworthy as Tesla. In the near future, buying a car without autopilot will be the equivalent of buying a car without AC and seatbelts.
Your friend is right, FSD isn't perfect ... yet. But neither are humans and the combined safety of the two is impressive.
Nobody knows exactly what the less expensive vehicles will be, except, it will not be called the model 2. (Think bathroom reference and #2.) With that said, Tesla doesn't build junk, they won't be Model 3s with the power windows removed. Much of the world wants smaller cars for smaller roads and smaller people. That's what the not-the-model-two will be.