A message board, a digital mine, where Shrewds gather, for fortune design.
- Manlobbi
Halls of Shrewd'm / US Policy❤
No. of Recommendations: 6
A local radio station has been running an ad read by the puppy killer which is nothing short of a threat to deport people. Apparently there is a video version as well, which DHS is more than happy to share with the world. Here you go:
https://www.dhs.gov/news/2025/02/17/dhs-announces-...If you don't want to listen to it - and I don't blame you for making that choice - the basic intent is to scare people out of the country. The high point is something like: If you don't leave, we will find you, we will deport you, and you will never come back.
It's a downright scary that our government would choose to make such an ad. It's straight out of the authoritarian playbook - scare people into compliance with something that may or may not actually be legal.
No. of Recommendations: 1
It's a downright scary that our government would choose to make such an ad.I don’t see anything scary about the ad.
Secretary Kristi Noem said it straight up and straight out....
“if you are here illegally, we will find you and deport you. You will never return. But if you leave now, you may have an opportunity to return and enjoy our freedom and live the American Dream,”
“A statement from Secretary Noem is below:
“We have deported known terrorists, cartel members, and gang members from our country.
"We will see the number of deportations continue to rise. And illegal immigrants have the option to self-deport and come back LEGALLY in the future.
“And our team at ICE will help us continue moving forward to make America SAFE again.”
https://www.dhs.gov/news/2025/03/13/ice-arrests-fi...And not so nicely said in 1955,
“Trump’s mass deportation plans have echoes of a 1950s federal crackdown that swept through Texas
Seventy-one years after the Eisenhower administration launched a high-visibility operation to arrest undocumented immigrants, President Trump is following some of the same playbook.
“In the summer of 1955, Joseph M. Swing, the commissioner of the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service, wrote in his 138-page annual report that the “wetback problem no longer exists.”
“The border has been secured,” he declared.”
No. of Recommendations: 4
I don’t see anything scary about the ad.
Of course you wouldn't. You have zero compassion for people.
No. of Recommendations: 2
Of course you wouldn't. You have zero compassion for people.
Oh, okay..I get it....your compassion for illegal aliens is noted.
“Of the illegal aliens we’ve arrested in the past 50 days:
14,111—nearly half—were convicted criminals.
9,980—About a third— have pending criminal charges.
In total, ICE arrested 1,155 criminal gang members. That’s almost two and half times the 483 arrested during the same time period last year.
39 of these arrests were known or suspected terrorists. That’s nearly triple the 14 arrested during the same time period last year.”
No. of Recommendations: 15
Oh, okay..I get it....your compassion for illegal aliens is noted.
Yes, I have compassion for all people. Including both people so desperate for a better life they risk entering the US without documentation AND ignorant blowhards who seem to go through life thinking the only way they can get ahead is by putting others down.
No. of Recommendations: 2
Trump will get his money soon to process everyone out, and hopefully give them the required due process. The emergency at the bprder was to bring down troops, which per my brother are 1500 plus another 4000. Maybe they are using the emergency to eliminate asylum -Amnesty Intl says there is no asylum at the border - but I know of no EO or any other communication that does that. And I'm puzzled how you would deal with that if it is happening without a directive. So I'm hoping I missed something and/or someone will file a suit if that's happening.
I think the tough self deport message is because Trump doesn't have the money to deport anyone. Trump will gut the government and appropriate money for deportations. What a mess we are in.
No. of Recommendations: 2
Yes, I have compassion for all people. Including both people so desperate for a better life they risk entering the US without documentation AND ignorant blowhards who seem to go through life thinking the only way they can get ahead is by putting others down.
—PeterGood for you....
I am a law abiding citizen and abide by the rule of law. America and its citizens want the
rule of law to apply to those wanting the American Dream same as my great grandfather did
when entering America by way of Ellis Island having a sponsor and a job as a farm hand waiting
for him.
Apparently you welcome by the millions who are illegally crossing our border regardless of the fact there are murderers, rapist, gang members etc among those seeking the American dream coming here without a sponsor nor a job waiting for them and are living off the dole of the American taxpayers.
Tell me again how compassionate you are of a whole family living in a hotel room in fear of the gang members living in the room next door to them.
No. of Recommendations: 2
my great grandfather did
when entering America by way of Ellis Island having a sponsor and a job as a farm hand waiting
for him.
After 1924 Ellis Island was primarily a detention center for those denied entry or those being deported.
The primary problem with deportation is not having the money for the processing out with due process and the actual deportation. If we cut out due process it gets cheaper, but then we aren't a nation of laws and the due process is in the Constitution. We also want to be humane. It would be difficult to cut out the deportation - Mexico would be right to be upset if we dumped everyone there.
It's still true that most of our illegals are overstays. We could streamline and lower the cost of due processing them out, but it still takes money and a willing Congress. The Republicans haven't dealt with that because it's a great issue for elections. Fear is a great motivator, especially for those not inclined to think for themselves.
Trump passed up the money, now he needs it, so he pushes self deportation and takes money from the military budget.
No. of Recommendations: 17
I am a law abiding citizen and abide by the rule of law.
Your actions, voting for a person found guilty by a jury of his peers of 34 felony counts, belie your words about believing in the rule of law.
No. of Recommendations: 5
No. of Recommendations: 2
Your actions, voting for a person found guilty by a jury of his peers of 34 felony counts, belie your words about believing in the rule of law.
Please spare me the reminders of your side weaponizing the FBI and judges to bring
down President Trump. Oh wait, never mind...actually it’s funny now and the joke is on democrats
and liberals who have reduced themselves to wander around in wasteland without a Leader nor have
a plan how to dig themselves out of the hole they dug.
No. of Recommendations: 16
Please spare me the reminders of your side weaponizing the FBI and judges to bring down President Trump.
Thank you for validating my point.
You only like the law when it does what you want. When it doesn’t do what you want, you disparage the law. That’s not exactly a person who respects law and order.
Trump had a jury trial and access to very expensive lawyers who were able to offer as strong a defense as they were capable of.
As I recall, they offered an awful lot of arguments except for one; that he was innocent.
No. of Recommendations: 2
As I recall, they offered an awful lot of arguments except for one; that he was innocent.
The truth prevailed when the majority of Americans believed
President Trump was innocent and voted him President, not believing Biden’s corrupt government and the compromised FBI and judge presiding over the trial.
Amazing isn’t it Donald Trump prevailed through every obstacle the democrats threw at him and survived two assignations attempts these past eight plus years.
LOL Biden folded like a cheap suit when Obama and Pelosi told him, ‘get outtahere’, you’re brain dead.
No. of Recommendations: 11
"I am a law abiding citizen and abide by the rule of law. America and its citizens want the
rule of law to apply to those wanting the American Dream same as my great grandfather did
when entering America by way of Ellis Island having a sponsor and a job as a farm hand waiting
for him." - LurkerMom
That is a good joke. You are really funny.
Your continued support of people who beat up on cops and regularly threaten the rule of law is what makes you so unintentionally funny.
No. of Recommendations: 22
The truth prevailed when the majority of Americans believed
President Trump was innocent and voted him President, not believing Biden’s corrupt government and the compromised FBI and judge presiding over the trial.
Wow, a lot of lies to unpack in just one sentence. But here we go.
1) Our jury system is not based on what the majority of Americans believe, but rather what 12 jurors decide after hearing all the evidence and arguments from both the prosecutors and the defense. Neither you nor I were present in the courtroom. Our legal system relies on 12 jurors who were in the court room every day, all day, to decide the truth about guilt or innocence.
2) A majority of Americans did NOT vote for Trump to be president. He received a plurality of the votes. Just so you don’t have to look up big words, a plurality means the most votes, but NOT a majority of the vote.
3) Biden’s administration was not responsible in any way, shape, or manner for Trump being found guilty of 34 felony counts. Biden was a federal officer. Trump was convicted in New York State of crimes he committed in New York State. News flash: the federal government and the New York State government are not the same.
4) To the best of my knowledge, the FBI (corrupt or otherwise) had nothing to do with the Trump conviction of 34 counts of felony crimes. The FBI is federal. New York State is not federal. Trump was found guilty of breaking New York State laws.
5) What evidence do you have that the presiding judge was corrupt? I’ve not seen any. Again, you claim to believe in law and order, but only when you agree with the results. THAT’S NOT BELIEVING IN LAW AND ORDER. That’s like believing in elections, but only when you win. Utter nonsense.
But other than getting absolutely nothing correct, not bad.
No. of Recommendations: 17
I am a law abiding citizen and abide by the rule of law.~LMReally? Then why do you waste countless hours of your life supporting and defending rapists, sexual predators, and child molesters? (Trump, RFK JR, Gaetz, Musk, Hegseth, Giuliani, etc)
"Judge clarifies: Yes, Trump was found to have raped E. Jean Carroll"
Remember when Don the rapist promised to releasee the Epstein files?
I'm still waiting...
"The flight logs show that Trump traveled on Epstein's private jets far more frequently than previous sets of records associated with Epstein's aircraft had indicated."
"Trump's niece Mary Trump insisted her uncle and the pedophile were very close."
But don't take her word for it, listen to Trump himself:
Trump: "I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy! He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side."
But don't take his word for it, listen to Epstein himself: "Donald Trump was my closest friend for 10 years, and he's a horrible human being."
But don't take his word for it, see for yourself:
Video Shows Donald Trump And Jeffrey Epstein Partying With Young Ladies (under-age children?) At Mar-A-Lago....
No. of Recommendations: 3
But other than getting absolutely nothing correct, not bad.
Be kind to her, Alpha. LM has already made up her mind. Don’t confuse her with facts.
They intrude on her safe little fantasy world.
No. of Recommendations: 2
But other than getting absolutely nothing correct, not bad.
The majority of American voters got it right and voted for President Trump.
That’s the truth that counts.
Meanwhile oldJoe is wandering around in the democrat wasteland, all wondering why the
American voters deserted them.
No. of Recommendations: 2
They intrude on her safe little fantasy world.
LOL Peter..Remember who won the election last November and who lost.
That’s (my) the real world.
No. of Recommendations: 14
LOL Peter..Remember who won the election last November and who lost.
That is the only truth allowed in your fantasy world. Virtually everything you claim is a lie.
I noticed that the only rebuttal you have for Alpha correcting your lies is that Trump won the election. His winning does not magically convert your lies into truth. The are still lies, and you need to cling into them to protect your safe space where the realities of the real world don’t need to intrude on you.
If it wasn’t so sad, I’d call it pathetic the way you hide from the truth.
No. of Recommendations: 16
The majority of American voters got it right and voted for President Trump. That’s the truth that counts.
Well, at least part of your sentence is correct. “The majority of American voters got it right”, because the majority of voters voted for someone other than Trump.
However, your whole sentence “The majority of American voters got it right and voted for President Trump” is 100% false. Full stop.
To be clear and 100% factual and true (because like you said, that’s the truth that counts): THE MAJORITY OF AMERICAN VOTERS DID NOT VOTE FOR TRUMP.
It’s like saying you believe in the rule of law when you don’t.
You can fool yourself, but you can’t fool me.
No. of Recommendations: 3
Shrug....okay, so what?
The bottom line came down to Obama, Pelosi and the democrat party stabbing Biden in
the back, gave him the boot, kicked him out from continuing his run for president.
Second choice Kamala and Tampon Tim with even less brains than Biden, became
the laughing stock of America and sorely lost to President Trump.