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Author: Dagdom   😊 😞
Number: of 12533 
Subject: Re: Climate Change +Inflation Great for Insurance
Date: 05/09/2024 4:14 AM
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“From what I understand the problem with the video is that it isn't presenting well-argued facts at all but simply repeating in bad faith climate myths that do not match what the science actually says. Its a similar pattern to what we see from Ancient Aliens and other Pseudo-archaelogy but with a much graver impact.”

Hi Indefensible. You may be right. I know very little about climate, but if I’m not allowed to hear from both sides I fear that I will never get much smarter! :)

When a Nobel price winner talks I am at least prepared to listen and ponder over his opinions. Just as I’m pondering yours.

I would certainly not want anyone else deciding for me what my supposedly less capable mind should be allowed to be exposed to.

It’s a little bit funny because I guess even the people calling it climate myths must have been allowed to see the video at least once in order to make that judgement?

Censorship can have big unwanted effects but may still be warranted in some cases. I guess I just don’t think it was warranted in this case.

I’m fine to disagree on that if others think differently and under no circumstance would I suggest that anyone’s post be removed because of this disagreement.

Have a nice day and hope this reads in the non confrontational tone that the writer intended.
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