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Halls of Shrewd'm / US Policy
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Author: AlphaWolf 🐝🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 41813 
Subject: 81,757 Days
Date: 09/13/2024 6:54 PM
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81,757 days.

March 4, 1797 to January 6, 2021.

That’s how many days the United States of America had the honor and privilege of peacefully transferring power from one president to another.

That’s something that happened between political allies and political opponents. Between politicians of the same party and opposing parties. In elections that were razor thin close and landslides. When opponents thought games were played (Nixon vs Kennedy) and when the Supreme Court decided to stop counting votes and decide who won based on the votes of just 9 individuals (Bush vs Gore). When someone received the majority of votes and when someone won the Electoral College with fewer votes than their opponent. During times of peace and times of war. During booms and during busts.

It only took one ignorant and greedy individual who valued power more than our laws. Who valued power more than our institutions. Who valued power more than the rights of the people to choose a leader in a free and fair election. Who valued power more than the lives of Americans.

How any loyal and patriotic American can consider electing that individual to the presidency again is beyond the pale.

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