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Author: Captkerosene   😊 😞
Number: of 63 
Subject: Re: New BFF
Date: 12/02/2024 6:30 PM
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Your post about the Vance comments on NATO have nothing to do with Tesla. And obviously didn’t cause Tesla share price to rise this week, when he said them in September.

Of course it's related. The deep state/legacy media have been attacking Elon and Tesla for years now. When CNBC brings analysts ranked in the bottom 2% of their profession in to attack Tesla you don't think that's real analysis do you? Craig Irwin went from $85 to $411 today. I have no proof but I suspect he got the call that he is no longer a designated hitter. People are waking up to the fact that going after Elon and his companies can have very negative consequences. (I doubt that SpaceX will have to strap any more sea otters to boards and bombard them with sonic booms.)

Elon just given a standing ovation in Mar-a-Lago at Thanksgiving dinner. Of course this is how he should have been treated the last four years. A true American hero.

Stock now at $350.

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