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Stocks A to Z / Stocks B / Berkshire Hathaway (BRK.A)
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Author: Texirish 🐝🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 12641 
Subject: Re: OT: Dunning-Kruger effect
Date: 03/14/2025 4:30 PM
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Anyone who has held even the briefest conversation with Manlobbi is well aware that this complex does not remotely apply to this very thoughtful, humble, kind, charitable, and brilliant man! I have a grandson who I hope follows Manlobbi's example. My grandson taught himself calculus at the age of ten, programs computers, is interested in Quantum Mechanics hopes to soon play piano in concert, acts and sings in community plays...yet remains well-grounded. I'm hoping he's a mini-Manlobbi!! (OK... Grandpa tair has to proudly brag a little!).


Thanks for joining in on this discussion. I think this is a very important point that we'll probably all encountered but couldn't put a name to. It deserves more attention.

My version of it was dealing with the mental models of operating managers during my decade of strategic planning. They had been successful based on their particular model, so were reluctant to change - or even challenge - it. But the world changes, and assumptions that led to success in the past may no longer hold about the future. Many examples - GM on cars and IBM on computing are just a couple.

I absolutely agree with your charitization of Manlobbi. And you're certainly forgiven for bragging on your grandson!! Seems well deserved. I strongly suspect the members of this board could contribute many more examples of exceptional offspring. I might be tempted to join in if a thread develops. (Not trying to start one.) But given the type of investors Buffett and Berkshire attract, it shouldn't be a surprise to us.

There's a lot impacting investment decisions that could be shared on this board besides the specifics of Berkshire and betting puts and calls on such. Maybe Manlobbi will help expand our horizons. I think he has. So has Jim at times.


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