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Author: UpNorthJoe   😊 😞
Number: of 41813 
Subject: Re: “Life was better under Trump”
Date: 11/25/2024 1:03 PM
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Dems need to take off the kid gloves and fight like the GOP does. MAGA doe not let facts get
in the way of whatever narrative they want to sell.

Trump had a major hand in the inflation that occurred under Biden. Trump's pathetic response
to Covid pandemic led to factories being shut down longer than was necessary. Trump would
have flooded the system with money just like Biden did, for the same reasons. It reminds me
of the GFC, when GWB handed Obama an absolute shit sandwich, and the GOP screamed about
how Obama ran up the deficit. Dems need to be plastering the MAGA/GOP culpability in all
of the crap Biden had to deal with. Instead they focused on issues that working class voters don't seem to care about, such as Trans people's rights. A noble cause, but can't win an election on it.
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