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Investment Strategies / Mechanical Investing
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Author: Lee   😊 😞
Number: of 3315 
Subject: Re: Industry momentum
Date: 09/10/2024 3:40 PM
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No. of Recommendations: 2

I don't agree 100% with this. I find it easy to beat the fixed income market using preferred stocks, and closed end bond funds.

Would you be willing to share any links and/or a summary on what you do with those? I've also dabbled a bit in preferred stock ETF's, but don't always feel like the risk I'm taking is necessarily compensated with the reward.

Appreciate the counter-argument (I try to be open!) that both you and Jim make in terms of finding an edge. Like a few others have mentioned, I'm just dealing with losing to SPY right now (and have been for a while), so it's that much easier to question whether I've just been lucky when I did manage to beat the market!

Really appreciate the insights and commentary I've learned from the members of this board over the years!

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