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Author: bighairymike   😊 😞
Number: of 41628 
Subject: Re: Mail-In Ballot Trickery in Pennsylvania
Date: 09/17/2024 9:10 PM
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Some counties have implemented notification processes to "cure" such defective ballots by contacting the voter and having them come in and correct the problem, etc. However, Democracy Docket reported that Republicans actually SUED these counties in a attempt to block ANY effort to cure such ballots. In other words, again... This isn't about protecting against fraud, it isn't about encouraging turn-out. It's about creating pointless procedural steps, - WTH


It it possible that more effort is given to correct ballots from known blue precincts? I think it is the case that most civic minded election workers lean Blue. How about treating all flawed ballots the same, reject them... What you say as you clutch your pearls, that this is disenfranchisement. Yeah, I know, but the number is so minuscule that it is not an issue with the outcome (sound familiar).

Other than reject them all, show me some statistics on the cure rates by precinct.
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