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Halls of Shrewd'm / US Policy
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Author: Dope1   😊 😞
Number: of 41813 
Subject: 2 minutes on why some tariffs
Date: 03/15/2025 12:05 PM
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Courtesy of Bill Maher's show:


Batya Ungar-Sargon stuns Bill Maher into submission when talking about Trump's rationale on tariffs:
BUS: "The 70's the largest share of our GDP was in the middle class. Now the top 20% controls over 50% of the GDP.
That manufacturing is still being done: It's just being done in other countries."
Maher: "For wages we will not work for."
BUS: "That's what the tariffs are for. They are to make American workers more competitive in the global market.
Why are we accepting that there should be a race to the bottom?
China: What is its competitive advantage over us? They pay slave wages.
It's important that we have a stake in the manufacturing of the things that we need as a nation, so that when China goes to war against us we're not relying on them for steel and aluminum in order to fight them."
Maher: "At least that's an answer."

Her point about "why should we accept a race to the bottom" is one that isn't raised enough.
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