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Author: onepoorguy 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 598 
Subject: Re: taxes, distributions, and ACA
Date: 03/09/2025 3:25 PM
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One concern about that is that I turn 63 next year. I remember reading (intercst?) that your premium for Medicare is set by your income in the year you turn 63. So, if I take the lump-sum next year, that would affect it.

The PTCs may or may not get renewed. I know the Felon wanted to kill the entire program. I assume he still does. However, from what I'm reading, there is a lot of constituent push-back already. Removing the PTCs would be -I think- extremely unpopular. So it might not happen. IIRC, the ACA added 40M people that had insurance. That's 40M voters who would be unhappy. But it still could happen.

Note: I'm only mentioning politics because this is relevant to the PTCs, which is relevant for anyone who retired early (like we did), before being eligible for Medicare. However the tax law shakes-out is extremely relevant.

Thanks for the link. I initially thought the PTCs would evaporate. Didn't realize that the 400% rule would still apply. If we lump sum next year, under that rule, we wouldn't have a subsidy next year. Otherwise, we would because we're below that level normally.

One wrinkle is that I had a stop loss trigger last month. While the cap gains won't be taxable (under $90K ordinary income), it does hit the MAGI, and therefore PTCs. If I lump-sum this year, I think I'd have to pay full premiums.
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