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Author: Goofyhoofy 🐝🐝 HONORARY
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Number: of 41813 
Subject: Re: Politico on the Biden coup + NYT
Date: 08/14/2024 3:35 PM
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In the before times, it was unthinkable to force an incumbent president off the ticket in July.

Nixon was pushed out in August. Ha ha ha. Of course it wasn’t the August after the convention had decided he was the candidate but then the Biden push wasn’t before the convention had decided on a candidate either.

Here’s a question. Suppose someone won enough delegates to win the nomination at the convention, but before the convention they died. Or decided they weren’t going to run (LBJ). Or were killed before the convention, but had “committed” delegates (RFK).

There is no “official” party candidate until the nominating convention at which time one becomes “the candidate.” I suppose you could make the technical argument that the convention should vote for the candidate who won the primaries, which would be Biden, who would then decline, and then a second vote would be taken and any candidates who wanted to announce could do so and then either win or lose the nomination.

It is, I think, a distinction without a difference since the announced candidate (Biden) has already said he won’t accept the nomination. I was personally hoping for an open convention but I am not unhappy with how it is playing out. For a political newcomer, Kamala has shown some amazing dexterity in locking up the nomination in a remarkably short time - and in launching a campaign from zero to 60 in a matter of days.

what has happened is a slap in the face to the democratic process

If this is a slap then January 6th was a body blow. And wouldn’t it be great if the Republican Party had somebody strong enough to sidle up to the Orange man and say “You know, you’re demented. You’re old. You’re spewing nonsense. You’ve cost us elections in 2018, 2020, 2022, and it looks like maybe 2024. Maybe you should exit and give some new blood a chance.”

But Republicans can’t do that even though they secretly know they’re on a negative, downhill, very bad trajectory. I guess they’re just pussies, afraid to confront the truth even though it’s staring them in the face.
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