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Author: commonone 🐝🐝 HONORARY
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Number: of 41813 
Subject: Vance: Woodward is a Hack
Date: 10/08/2024 5:07 PM
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When asked this afternoon to comment on DonOLD Trump having several private conversations with Vladimir Putin and sending his lovey-dovey Covid-19 test kits when no one in America could get their hands on them, vice presidential hopeful J.D. Vance said: "I honestly didn't know Bob Woodward was still alive until you just asked me that question. He is a hack. The guy's a hack."


Now, Woodward may be a lot of things but hack is not one of them.

He is the recipient of nearly every major American journalism award, including the Heywood Broun award (1972), Worth Bingham Prize for Investigative Reporting (1972 and 1986), Sigma Delta Chi Award (1973), George Polk Award (1972), William Allen White Medal (2000), and the Gerald R. Ford Prize for Reporting on the Presidency (2002). In 2012, Colby College presented Woodward with the Elijah Parish Lovejoy Award for courageous journalism as well as an honorary doctorate.

He also contributed to reporting that was awarded two Pulitzer Prizes for Journalism.

But, yeah, sure, I can see how Vance might think an old fart like Woodward was dead. He's 81, a geezer, three years older than DonOLD Trump.

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