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Halls of Shrewd'm / US Policy
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Author: UpNorthJoe   😊 😞
Number: of 41813 
Subject: QQQ Nasdaq, since 1/21/25
Date: 03/13/2025 8:42 PM
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QQQ is down 10.7% since Trump took over. Correction territory.

S&P ( SPY ) is down 8.5% since Trump took over. Approaching correction territory.

I am not tempted in any way, shape, or form to put take money out of fixed
income and deploy into the either index. All of this drop is self-inflicted,
shoot yourself in the foot error by Trump, imo.

Does anybody have a target price that they will take money out of fixed income
and deploy it back into the market ??

Old saying goes The Market Hates Uncertainty. Trump's whiplash tariff policy
is definitely an uncertainty. He is quickly losing all credibility, and spooking a lot
of investors out of stocks. And as I said above, all self-inflicted. If he's
this bad when there is no real emergency or crisis, how bad will be during an
actual crisis ?? Covid gave us all a good answer to that question, he was
pretty damned bad.

At least we're not in a 0% interest world, it's easy to get 4.2% pre-inflation
return on fixed income.
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