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Halls of Shrewd'm / US Policy
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Author: WiltonKnight   😊 😞
Number: of 41586 
Subject: LOL@CHINA
Date: 09/29/2024 7:25 PM
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Communism, Socialism, Liberalism. Heavy Handed Central Planning.

Doesn't work.

Yes they are a formidable economy and military but they did that because of stealing business and tech knowhow from the "Free Trade!" and Globalist people - you know, the ones on both sides that were out and proud all thru the years and only now have both sides reversed that. Now they don't seem eager to leave the light on for China to steal nuke secrets from places like Los Alamos (in he 90's. Same President was in power who did PNTR for China. Had an affinity for the Soviet Union as a college boy during the Vietnam War but in retrospect, he was smart to dodge the draft but I digress)

As Superior America, and leaders like Reagan know - Man works for reward. To better himself. The profit motive, the greed motive.

XI, his communist team, Chinese Elites (their version of Fortune 500 Coastal CEO's) keep telling China's young how it's their "duty" to work more and longer and yes, they do have a good supply of cheap labor but the funny part is, more and more young are saying "big deal. So what, I move to a city. Work my ass off 60 hours a week, and the income bump doesn't really outweigh the rise in my cost of living. Screw it, I'll stay in the boonies with Mama.

OH - and the whole population control thing. The Child Limit. How's that working out for you China?

Yes, they will always thrive due to population sheer numbers and hoodwinking idiot academic Google Jockey American ruling class and the campus bred Americans that cheer them on. BUT - it's nowhere near what it was supposed to be and now more competitors are popping up.

Not to mention, they've scared some neighbors into a more aggressive posture - -but then again, the Harris-Cheney-PNAC people have been gunning for WW3 anyways. Who knows maybe it all works out.

Don't enlist.

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