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Halls of Shrewd'm / US Policy
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Author: Carpian   😊 😞
Number: of 41813 
Subject: Prediction about tariffs/economy
Date: 02/02/2025 3:59 PM
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Having just bought an extra pair of shoes pre-tariffs (I have bad feet and I'm picky about shoes and the ones I'm currently using are made in China), it's got me thinking about how all this will play out:

1) There will be increased spending as people stock up before the tariff effect hits. Trump will claim credit for "stimulating the economy" and increasing "consumer confidence" (which I have no idea how it's calculated but may increase here).

2) Prices will rise (obviously). Trump will blame Biden and likely throw in Obama as well since his base hates him.

3) There will be some resolution on some issue that will allow Trump to reduce or eliminate the tariffs. Prices will fall. Trump will claim credit for reducing the prices that he caused to rise in the first place.

4) MAGA will gobble up his every word, as they always do.

Such is the world we live in today.
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