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Author: wzambon 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 41628 
Subject: Re: Trump Threatens Zelenski
Date: 02/28/2025 9:20 PM
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Not what I said. Read it again.
It's obvious who's had to deal with contentious deals over a negotiating table - with differing incentives on both sides - and who just hands over their wallets.

Here’s what is obvious:
1. Zelensky and Ukraine are supposed to be our allies- not those sitting across from us at a negotiating table. If there is a negotiating table, then Putin is on one side and Zelensky is on the other. The United States and Europe are supposed to be playing supporting role on the side with Zelensky

2. But that’s not what happened. Zelensky came to Washington seeking help. Instead, he found an adversary- Donald Trump, arguing Putin’s talking points.

By arguing as you have that today was to be some sort of adversarial “negotiation”, you underscore the exact problem.
Zelensky came as a battered ally and Trump tried to extract blood while repeating Putin’s demands for “peace”.

Trump is a traitor to this country; he proved it today by demanding adherence to Putin’s demands.

And it was a trap, a setup, and a mugging of Zelensky for the cameras by the tag team of Vance/Trump.

There was never an intention of any sort of serious discussion. They brought him before the cameras, mugged him, then threw him out of the White House.

We’ve now joined forces with a murderous regime and dumped our allies in Europe.
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