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Author: Goofyhoofy 🐝🐝 HONORARY
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Number: of 41628 
Subject: And the hits…just keep on comin’
Date: 09/18/2024 9:28 AM
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111 Former G.O.P. Officials Back Harris, Calling Trump ‘Unfit to Serve’

The signatories of a letter endorsing the Democratic vice president included former members of Congress, defense secretaries, C.I.A. directors and other national security officials.

More than 100 former national security officials from Republican administrations and former Republican members of Congress endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris on Wednesday after concluding that their party’s nominee, Donald J. Trump, is “unfit to serve again as president.”

In a letter to the public, the Republicans, including both vocal longtime Trump opponents and others who had not endorsed Joseph R. Biden Jr. in 2020, argued that while they might “disagree with Kamala Harris” on many issues, Mr. Trump had demonstrated “dangerous qualities.” Those include, they said, “unusual affinity” for dictators like President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia and “contempt for the norms of decent, ethical and lawful behavior.”

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One can only wonder at what point the “true believers” on this board will realize that their messiah is actually a toxic force for their party as well as for the country.

Some, I dare say, never will.
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