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Author: weatherman   😊 😞
Number: of 41813 
Subject: Re: Trump Doubles Tariffs...
Date: 03/11/2025 4:11 PM
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again, i see no significant sign MAGA\gop are holding trump and his executive team responsible.

for high income gop, they are all sure the mkt downturn is temporary no matter how much hedging is underway.
for low income MAGA, they became irrelevant, other than a source of diverted federal revenue, after the votes were counted. sure, you may get some fits at the local gop rep (who is far beneath trump's radar), but there is no regret on how they voted.

in other words, blurb below is still called winning and promises kept :
[From Josh Moon on Reddit]

"Attention: We will be having tariffs. Not this week though. We are having tariffs next week. But not on trucks. And also you'll need to answer 5 questions at your federal job. Except for some of you. Actually, none of you have to answer. And the tariffs are back on starting tomorrow, no take-backs. The tarrifs are canceled for 1 month. You all have to answer the 5 questions. Well maybe not all. Also we're going to sell 500 pieces of property like for real. We're not sure about 500, maybe only 350. Forget it, we can't decide about the properties. The tariffs are coming back. Have you answered the 5 questions? You don't have to. Would you like to buy some properties? Also if you've been fired and know anything about landing planes or diseases, you need to come back. Additionally, if you have thoughts on how to lower egg prices or inflation, please just put them as the 5 answers. Or don't. Hope this clears things up."
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