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Stocks A to Z / Stocks B / Berkshire Hathaway (BRK.A)
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Author: twentyehs   😊 😞
Number: of 12641 
Subject: WEB
Date: 03/02/2025 3:46 PM
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Interview on CBS Sunday Morning.
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Author: sleepydragon   😊 😞
Number: of 12641 
Subject: Re: WEB
Date: 03/02/2025 3:49 PM
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Here is the link:


Any idea why WEB say “i can’t comment on the economy. I really can’t”?
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Author: mungofitch 🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝 BRONZE
  😊 😞

Number: of 12641 
Subject: Re: WEB
Date: 03/02/2025 3:54 PM
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Any idea why WEB say “i can’t comment on the economy. I really can’t”?

Perhaps because the moving parts are currently inextricably tied to US policy, which is (a) shifting too rapidly to make plans/predictions and (b) too political to be safe to comment on publicly, one way or the other.

However, Berkshire has its fingers in a wide swath of the US economy. I imagine head office is getting some data about the economy being rather like a slowly (though only cyclically) sickening patient that has been given stimulants: some bright/exuberant spots on the surface, but a lot of small signs of encroaching weakness in the hinterlands. AI bros are doing better than dollar store clientele.

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Author: Mark 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 12641 
Subject: Re: WEB
Date: 03/02/2025 10:10 PM
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Any idea why WEB say “i can’t comment on the economy. I really can’t”?

Because nobody can with any accuracy.
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Author: Berkfan   😊 😞
Number: of 12641 
Subject: Re: WEB
Date: 03/03/2025 8:12 AM
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I think Buffett has said somewhat recently that when he talks he wants his shareholders to hear it first, and I think, without getting political, the environment these days is polarizing, and with the advent of social media he knows that videos can get spliced and diced and doesn’t want his comments twisted.

As it is he commented on Tariffs..
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Author: Sals-Dad   😊 😞
Number: of 12641 
Subject: Re: WEB
Date: 03/03/2025 12:03 PM
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Any idea why WEB say “i can’t comment on the economy. I really can’t”?

I can’t imagine him saying “The country is going to hell in a hand basket, stocks are crazy overpriced, the folks in power are clueless how to bring things under control — I am cashing out now” however bad things might get.

If he was privately feeling that negative, I would expect “no comment” in response to a direct yes/no question about the economy.

What he did NOT say, is “I feel like an oversexed guy in a harem”. Or even (treasury secretary, Fed Chair, whoever…)is doing a pretty good job in a tough environment”

At any rate, I was pleased to see Warren looking engaged and lucid. Perhaps not at the top of his game, but pretty darned good.
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Author: Mark 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 12641 
Subject: Re: WEB
Date: 03/04/2025 2:07 PM
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What he did NOT say, is “I feel like an oversexed guy in a harem”.

It was more than 50 years ago, in 1974, that he said that.

At any rate, I was pleased to see Warren looking engaged and lucid. Perhaps not at the top of his game, but pretty darned good.

I was very pleased to see him looking and sounding so good!!!
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