No. of Recommendations: 1
So AZ is looking at this. Prop 140. If passed, it will implement an open primary and ranked voting. This was a voter-initiative.
The legislature tried to enshrine our current system in a different prop (prop 133).
It's odd, and not unique to AZ. It's like the legislature is apart from the people, and introduces things to negate what the people want. Several years ago there were opposing props on the ballot (I forget now what the issue was). If both had passed, they would have canceled each other (effectively) because they were diametrically opposed in what they did. It seems 140 and 133 are similar.
I looked at the opposition to 140, and it was made of trumpies, election deniers, and a sheriff who boasted he wouldn't follow the law (after the 2020 election). I always liked the idea of ranked voting. Seeing the folks lined up against it just solidified my vote.