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Author: PhoolishPhilip 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 41628 
Subject: Re: Bibi and Hezbullah
Date: 09/23/2024 5:20 PM
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It barely has any impact in pushing against the Democratic Party alliance - in fact, I think it helps the Democrats. Hezbollah is less connected to the cause of Palestinian statehood, and more transparently a projection of Iranian military hegemony in the region, than Hamas (much less conflict in the West Bank).

This is where we disagree. The young progressives who might make a difference on college campuses across the purple states don’t share your instinctive acceptance of Israel as a natural ally of the US in the region, and could generally care less about hezbullah’s relationship with Iran. They see an extension of Israeli war crimes in the region. It’s hard to shake the image of an obedient daughter obliterated because the Israeli military had to use their Trojan horse immediately.

Those votes, should an Israeli war in Lebanon occur(and why use the toy if you’re not going to war), could be the difference in our election.

And there is nothing silly about Bibi’s calculus. As I said, a trump victory seals settler rule over the Israeli state, and the settler coalition has no qualms about waging total war on the Palestinian people and their allies in the region. A Harris victory might spell the end of Bibi, or at least the end of his free reign.
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