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Author: AlphaWolf 🐝🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 41813 
Subject: Re: Make America Hot Again
Date: 11/24/2024 6:02 PM
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You just don’t get it , do you?

Let me tell you 5 things I get about Trump’s presidency.

1) There were hundreds of thousands of excess American deaths due to his idiotic non-response to Covid.

2) At the time he left office, about 3,000 Americans were dying every day, the equivalent of a 9/11 catastrophe every day.

3) So many Americans were dying we had to store dead bodies in refrigerator trucks.

4) He presided over the largest single year increase in murders in 2020.

5) Thousands of Americans lined up in food lines not seen since the Great Depression.

6) He discarded Obama’s pandemic response plan because, I guess, Obama was black.

7) He promoted fake Covid cures like hydroxychloroquine and injecting disinfectants, which actually killed people.

8) Had a net loss of 2.9 million jobs, an all-time record even more than George Washington.

9) Caused the longest American government shutdown over funding for his border wall, which Mexico was supposed to pay for.

10) Known for always telling a lie vs. “I cannot tell a lie.”

11) The national debt increased about 40% during his 4-year term, another all-time 4-year record.

12) His tax cut benefits went primarily to multi-millionaires, something you might have missed in Mayberry.

13) Separated over 5,000 children from their parents (you know, family values) without any plan to reunite them.

14) Put babies in cages.

15) Made false claims about non-existent election fraud.

16) Had more than 60 election lawsuits rejected by courts, including Trump appointed judges.

17) Encouraged an armed insurrection while he watched it on TV.

18) He was impeached twice, with 7 Republicans voting for impeachment the second time (another first!).

19) Stole highly sensitive national secrets and stored them where none of our enemies could find them. In an unlocked room next to a country club swimming pool.

20) Promised the average American family would a $4,000 pay increase because of his tax cut. I’m still waiting for mine. You?

21) Every budget he proposed included cuts for Social Security.

OK, OK, I went a tad over 5. And I still have dozens more.

The second George Washington?

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