No. of Recommendations: 14
But it's working better than a foreign policy that looks like:
It also works better than a foreign policy that looks like…..
1. Send your son-in-law who totally lacks diplomatic experience to the Middle East in order to broker a peace agreement, to solve the”Palestinian problem”
Involve everyone in the Middle East to be party to the agreement EXCEPT THE PALESTINIANS.
2 Declare an agreement that brings peace in our time! Nothing like it in the world has ever been seen before.
3. Sovereign wealth fund of House of Saud “invests” almot 3 billion dollArs in Jared Kushner’s investment fund. Said investment fund has yet to pay a penny in return for $3b in Saudi money.
4. The above insulting arrangement is capitalized by Hamas, leading directly to their attack one year ago and Israel’s military response, launching the Middle East into a war with more casualties than any conflict in Israel’s history
5. Jared Kushner sees more economic opportunity in the leveling of Gaza. “This is creating some real prime seaside property.”
To ravage, to slaughter, to usurp under false titles, they call empire; and where they make a desert, they call it peace.