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Author: Carpian   😊 😞
Number: of 41813 
Subject: Re: This comes as no surprise.
Date: 02/12/2025 11:43 AM
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There is that word "might", often used as the predicate in liberal arguments, a word that exposes speculation as the root of the criticism that follows.

I'll agree with you in our unscientific observation that liberals tend to preface their speculations with words like "might" and "may" more than conservatives.

But is that because liberals speculate more than conservatives, or is it simply because liberals are more upfront about their speculating, vs. the conservatives trying to sound more authoritative and not inserting the "might" words in their speculations?

Are you able to recognize the difference between when someone is openly speculating vs. still speculating but trying to sound authoritative?

That could explain some of Trump's popularity. He is very good at sounding authoritative, but at actually knowing what's going on (other than what's going on with himself)--not so much.
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