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Stocks A to Z / Stocks A / Apple (AAPL)
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Author: DTB   😊 😞
Number: of 54 
Subject: Kiss goodbye to $20b a year from Google?
Date: 08/06/2024 5:29 PM
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Ben Thomson's Stratechery is a good read, and makes me wonder what the implications of the ruling are for Apple: https://stratechery.com/2024/friendly-google-and-e...

Excerpts: The drivers of that paradox are evident in the consideration of remedies for Google. One possibility is a European Commission-style search engine choice screen for consumers setting up new browsers or devices: is there any doubt that the vast majority of people will choose Google, meaning Google keeps its share and gets to keep the money it gives Apple and everyone else? Another is that Google is barred from bidding for default placement, but other search engines can: that will put entities like Apple in the uncomfortable position of either setting what it considers the best search engine as the default, and making no money for doing so, or prioritizing a revenue share from an also-ran like Bing — and potentially seeing customers go to Google anyways. The iPhone maker could even go so far as to build its own search engine, and seek to profit directly from the search results driven by its distribution advantage, but that entails tremendous risk and expense on the part of the iPhone maker, and potentially favors Android.


Apple already has a partnership with Google, the Google-Apple partnership is really just a beautiful manifestation of how, don’t-call-them-monopolies, can really scratch each other’s back in a favorable way, such that Google search makes up something like 17% or 20% of Apple’s profit, it’s basically pure profit for Apple and people always talk about, “When’s Apple going to make a search engine?” — the answer is never. Why would they? They get the best search engine, they get profits from that search engine without having to drop a dime of investment, they get to maintain their privacy brand and say bad things about data-driven advertising, while basically getting paid by what they claim to hate, because Google is just laundering it for them. Google meanwhile gets the scale, there’s no points of entry for potential competition, it makes total sense.

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