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Author: Captkerosene   😊 😞
Number: of 12535 
Subject: Re: BYD Apple Partnership
Date: 12/09/2024 9:25 AM
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Even with 100K engineers, BYD can't build this.

Why couldn't they make one with 100k engineers? Or even 10k engineers?

It's the hardest problem man has ever solved. Requires artificial general intelligence. But more than that, it requires tens of billions in investment for the latest chips, hundreds of billions of investment in cars outfitted with inference computers, cameras and over-the-air connections. You need to have the ability to produce the best lowest cost electric vehicles and distribute and service them around the world. You need the world's best engineers (not the most). And then when the problem is solved, you need to push hard to produce tens of millions of these vehicles to blanket the world with a dense network that no competitor can breech. At the same time, you continue to improve the product and expand it to buses and semis.

Why won't other car companies eventually catch up? Same reason StarLink won't be caught. You need the network to make it work. (Who wants to spend hundreds of Billions to try and catch them? Good luck to Bezos, he's going to need it.) The cars talk to each other. Learn how to drive from each other. Lone wolf or part of a pack? And when the pack dominates an area they don't let others gain a foothold.

There was a point where Apple went from tech company to consumer product company with a great product protected by a great moat. I submit that the Cybercab is one of those revolutionary products protected by a great network and not just another car. It's not obvious yet, but people are starting to figure it out.
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