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Author: commonone 🐝🐝 HONORARY
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Number: of 41813 
Subject: Re: Harris Wins
Date: 09/11/2024 4:50 PM
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Dope1: I wouldn’t. Harris is 1) inexperienced 2) incompetent and 3) incapable of thinking on her feet.

You cultists baffle me. Inexperienced? She has been vice president for almost four years, was a senator and an AG for over a decade. Incompetent? In just a matter of weeks she gained the democratic nomination and has completely electrified the party, coalescing everyone from AOC to Liz Cheney to her side, raising record amounts of campaign donations. Incapable of thinking on her feet? She just proved that a lie with the best thinking-on-her-feet debate performance in decades.

Here's your guy thinking on his feet last night:

REPORTER: "What's your reaction to Taylor Swift's endorsement of Kamala Harris?"

TRUMP: "I have no idea."

You support a guy who is an adjudicated rapist, a felon who wants to withdraw from NATO, give Ukraine to Russia, thinks 20% tariffs will pay off the national debt, called war heroes "suckers" and "losers," has man-crushes on tyrants, has stolen top secret military intelligence documents, conspired to install fake state electors, and assembled and sent a violent mob to invade the U.S. Capitol to illegally stay in power.
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