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Author: very stable genius   😊 😞
Number: of 41813 
Subject: Re: Trump Cult Member Goes To Jail...
Date: 08/10/2024 9:38 AM
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Another person has their life ruined by Trump's lies...

"Trump supporter David Nicholas Dempsey who attacked police at the US Capitol with poles gets 20 years, one of longest Jan. 6 sentences."

"Dempsey apologized to the police officers whom he assaulted and said his conduct was reprehensible.
You were performing your duties, and I responded with hostility and violence." He said in court.

"Dempsey who has a history of political violence was sentenced to 20 years in prison for repeatedly attacking police with flagpoles and other makeshift weapons during the Jan. 6, 2021, riot at the U.S. Capitol. Prosecutors described him as one of the most violent members of the mob of Donald Trump supporters."

More than 1,400 people have been charged with Jan. 6-related federal crimes. Over 900 of them have been convicted and sentenced.


I'll leave you with a great quote from D.C. Police Officer Daniel Hodges,
"If it wasn't my job, I would have done that for free. It was absolutely my pleasure to crush a white nationalist insurrection.
And we'll do it as many times as it takes."
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